Soto & Asociados, Consultores Legales Sociedad Civil,known commercially as Sotorisolve, with address at Avenida Hidalgo 3148, Colonia Vallarta San Jorge, Zip Code 44690, Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, in accordance with the strictest principles of confidentiality, lawfulness, consent, quality, information, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility provided by the Personal Data Protection Act in Possession of Individuals and its regulations. Sotorisolve is responsible and in charge for the processing of your personal data. You can contact us at our offices, at the phone numberteléfono 33 3122 0815 or through our webpage

For what purposes will we use your personal data?

The personal data that we successfully obtained from You, will be used for the following purposes that are necessary for the requested service:

  1. To provide legal, mediation, conciliation, negotiation and arbitration, services as well as to provide information in connection to those services.
  2. To have statistical control of the use of the legal, mediation and negotiation services that are offered.
  3. To have control of the legal, conciliation, negotiation and arbitration procedures.
  4. To carry out invoicing, to contract or to make use of the services and goods that are offered and to pay them, according to are the case.
  5. To develop suitable legal, mediation, conciliation, negotiation and arbitration services.
  6. Performance of consultations, advice and follow-up of legal matters before Courts and Government Offices, whether, Federal, State or Municipal with all the requirements necessary to obtain favorable resolutions.
  7. To formalize through agreements and contracts or other documents the legal relation that may arise.
  8. To process requests of information of services, complaints, questions or commentaries.
  9. To have control of the legal, mediation, conciliation, negotiation and arbitration procedures.

How we will successfully obtain your personal data?

For the purposes indicated in the present privacy notice, the means to successfully obtain personal data are:

  1. When they are provided directly or personally by the holder.
  2. When they are provided through our webpage or by means of our online services.
  3. By means of electronic mail, text chats and/or messages.
  4. By means of videoconferences.
  5. Physical or digital document delivery.
  6. Through other sources of public access allowed by the law.

Data to be safeguarded by Soto & Asociados Consultores Legales, S.C.

What personal data will we use for these purposes?

To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal information:

  1. Name
  2. Marital Status
  3. Taxpayer Identification Registry (RFC as known in Spanish)
  5. Place of birth
  6. Date of birth
  7. Nationality
  8. Socio-economic situation
  9. Patrimonial and financial data
  10. Address
  11. Home Number
  12. Mobile Phone
  13. e-mail
  14. Handwritten signature
  15. Electronic signature
  16. Age
  17. Photograph

Where will the obtained personal data be kept?

The data base environment that will protect such will be:

  • Digital: through the union of hardware, software, networks, applications, services or any other technology of the entity of the information that allow to the interchange or processing whether computerized or digitized of data as can be: electronic mail, chats and/or messages of text, server of the entity, USB, compact discs, hard disks of storage, computers and laptops of the personnel of the Entity, links of information and/or systems of digital storage (Cloud) or any other technology of the entity of the information that allow for the interchange or processing of computerized or digitized data.
  • Physical: through the traditional systems of information handling, documentary archives, and handling of physical elements that contain data and information of the holders as can be: documents (certificates, licenses, permissions, approvals, receipts, contracts, agreements, certifications and any other printed or handwritten forms), hard copy files, plans, files, archives protected by the entity and any other that, for its interchange requires of physical reproductions (Photocopies).

What is the term in which we will handle your personal data?

The term for the handling of the personal data of the holder, in all cases, shall only be that of reasonable time and that necessary to fulfill the obligations that are derived from the bond of the holder with Sotorisolve.

The information that is provided will be properly protected and conserved with suitable technological and physical means to prevent any loss, bad use, alteration, non-authorized access and robbery. People who will have access to the information will be those who are strictly authorized, whether workers, suppliers of services or partners who have assumed the commitment to maintain the information under a strict order of confidentiality and security.

In case that the protected personal data is required by an authority of any nature or by legal process, to respond to any claim or legal actions, or to protect the rights of Sotorisolve or its clients and the public, this data be disclosed within the strict fulfillment to the Law.

With respect to the financial and patrimonial personal data and sensible data to which articles 8 and 9 of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals mentions, Sotorisolve is committed so that its treatment will be under the strictest abiding to the aforementioned Law, for that reason your express consent for its treatment is required, save for the cases mentioned in article 10 of such law.

How can I access, rectify or cancel my personal data, or oppose its use?

You have the right to know what personal data we have of you, for what it is used and the conditions of the use that we give to it (Access). Also, it is your right to request for the correction of your personal information in case that such is not updated, is inexact or incomplete (Rectification); that we eliminate it from our registries or data bases when you consider it is being mishandled (Cancellation); as well as to be against the use of your personal data for specific aims (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

For the exercise of any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective application through the following means:

  1. Attending our offices located at: Avenida Hidalgo 3148, Colonia Vallarta San Jorge, Zip Code 44690, Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  2. Calling the following phone number: 33 3122 0815.
  3. By email to:

To know the procedure and requirements for the exercise of the ARCO rights, we put at your disposal the following means:

  1. Attending our offices located at: Avenida Hidalgo 3148, Colonia Vallarta San Jorge, Zip Code 44690, Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  2. Calling the following phone number: 33 3122 0815.
  3. By email to:

The data of contact of the person, who is in charge of processing the requests of the ARCO rights, are the following ones:

  1. Name of the person or department of personal data: Jessica Melina Juárez Segura.
  2. Address: Avenida Hidalgo 3148, Vallarta Colony San Jorge, Postal Code 44690, Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  3. Email:
  4. Telephone number: 33 3122 0815.

You may revoke your consent for the use of your personal data

You may revoke the consent, that, if applicable, you have granted to us for handling your personal information. However, please consider that we may not grant your request in all cases or immediately terminate its use. Given existing legal obligations, we may be required to continue handling your personal information. Furthermore, please bear in mind that, for certain purposes, revoking your consent would mean discontinuing services requested or terminating our relationship.

To revoke your consent, you may present a request through the following means:

  1. Attending our offices located at: Avenida Hidalgo 3148, Colonia Vallarta San Jorge, Zip Code 44690, Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  2. Calling the following phone number: 33 3122 0815.
  3. By email to:

For the procedure and requirements for withdrawal of consent, we offer the following means:

  1. Attending our offices located at: Avenida Hidalgo 3148, Colonia Vallarta San Jorge, Zip Code 44690, Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  2. Calling the following phone number: 33 3122 0815.
  3. By email to:

How can I limit the use or disclosure of my personal information?

So that you can limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer the following means:

  1. Attending our offices located at: Avenida Hidalgo 3148, Colonia Vallarta San Jorge, Zip Code 44690, Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  2. Calling the following phone number: 33 3122 0815.
  3. By email to:

How can you know changes in this privacy notice?

This privacy disclaimer may be modified, changed or updated derived from new legal requirements; because of our own needs or because of the change in products or services that we offer; our privacy practices, our changes in business model, or because of other causes.

We undertake to keep you informed about any changes to this privacy notice, via the email you provide us as well as through your telephone number. These changes will also be available at:

  1. Notices placed in our offices.
  2. Brochures available at our offices.
  3. On our website

If You consider that an illegal treatment on the part of Sotorisolve exists contrary to that stipulated by the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, you may file a complaint or requirement before the National Institute of Access to the Information and Protection of Data.

Last update: 05/23/2022
